Breakfast: Homemade Pancakes with Maple-Flavoured Syrup
Lunch: Noodles
Dinner: Bought Pizza, Potato Salad, and green salad
Snacks: Cupcakes, apples, potato chips
Noodles are a yummy lunch that everyone here lieks- but we all like different flavorings. I made a sauce with oil, onion, garlic, grated ginger, cabbage, carrots, tamari, peanut butter and chicken stock (I normally don't bother with stock, just that dh likes it). It was really yummy, and I topped it off with some chopped nuts.
We only bought 2 pizzas, which is actually plenty calorie-wise for a family of 2 adults and 3 children...but not as much as we normally buy. I figure it is best to buy 2 twice, than 3 once. With the other dinner food, we all had plenty (too much probably) to eat. We took it up to a park to eat, and play as well.
I bought a packet of 10 mini caramel eggs for $3, and we all had 2 each. I hid the kids' ones in the playground, and they enjoyed looking for them.
We had a very cool evening out, for $15.
yum! Your pancakes look so good, they make me feel hungry.