Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, Day 2 Week 3

Breakfast: Daddy and J-Man had a glass of flavoured raw milk before heading out
early, Princess, Tombliboo and I had raspberry jam on toast before
rushing out too
Lunch: Oporto...yeah, pretty well stuffed
the whole thing- took the tinies out for lunch
Dinner: Pork Mince Noodles, since it was already ruined thought I may as well use
up the noodles
Snacks: chocolate, apples, nashi pears, bananas

We were out all day, and once home there was all the day's work to do, plus it had been mildly hellish at the shops, and then carrying a sleeping Tombliboo home on a train and a bus, and a short(ish) walk. I was terribly tempted to get takeaways, so happy to have avoided that, even if we didn't avoid refined grains...and really after the garbage we ate while out, I doubt it will make much difference!

I realised today I need to lose weight, fairly urgently...I've know it for ages, but haven't managed...I think two weeks of not walking up to the shop nearly every day has not been good. Today I puffed going up stairs. Granted, I was wearing a bakpack full of library boks ,and carrying a full reusable bag and a 28 month old toddler...but I should be able to do that without puffing- I always used to, unless Tombliboo suddenly got a whole lot heavier. Or maybe eating meat makes me more sluggish? That seems the opposite of how it's meant to be, and yet I do wonder if I feel better without it...I've heard others say that, I'm just not sure....I'm not aware enough.

A man commented today about my still feeding Tombliboo- he said, "Oh he's 2 and you still breastfeed!? Oh then you're still eating for two." I said "I eat for 5 more like it." It shouldn't be so hard to lose feels like I'm juggling so many things at the moment, but it shouldn't be hard to eat less- hopefully when we cut all the bad bits, it will fall off...oh, and when I start getting to sleep for more than an hour at a time.

Excuse the pity party, I'll be right tomorrow :0)

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