See my kitchen bench, lol...
It has sour dough waiting to rise...2 dessertspoons of last week's yoghurt, waiting for the milk to get warm so I can make some more...another lot of sourdough just at stage 2 (added 1/2C of water and flour)...3C wholemeal flour mixed with 2C of homemade yoghurt, soaking for 12 hours so I can make blueberry muffins tomorrow...
And then there is what you can't see...I have another boiler chicken in the crockpot with onion, garlic, kumara, carrot, celery, bay leaves, lemon and salt & pepper.
I also have homemade custard (well, egg yolks, raw milk, raw cream and xylitol) and sieved and reduced boysenberries getting ready to make ice cream.
There's a loaf of sourdough bread waiting for it's final rise...not sure if it will rise though- I only just realised I haven't been using the non-chlorine water after the first addition...DOH!
We've had omelette for breakfast, and Princess is still getting to her weetbix (11:30am) because she is busy making Easter cards for all of us. Tombliboo is enjoying a Curious George movie, stopping every few minutes for more milk, or to check what I'm up to.
dh has taken J-Man off to the Games Workshop with his friend J12 to paint LOTR figures. It helps that it's daylight savings today (we got an extra hour), and also that I have been up since 6am, but still I'm tickled with how much I'm getting done :0)
Oh, I've even drawn up a shopping list for Tuesday and done some tidying, checked e-mails, played my little game, and all sorts...but I am tired!
Not just unschooling mother extraordinaire but domestic goddess too!